Current situation on Coronavirus in the UK

Go back 06 Mar 2020

The safety and well-being of our staff, customers and suppliers is our top priority. As a provider of postal and delivery services, the Groups operations remain an essential part of the supply chain and therefore

All our Depots continue to be operational with the following changes.

These include reduced staffing levels throughout the warehouses in order to maintain a safe working distance, all services are still operational for Mail and Parcel processing and we are working as quickly as possible to handover to our final mile deliver partners.

Online deliveries and Mail delivery services are as important as ever whilst people are unable to leave their homes and we are working with all our customers, staff and partners to ensure the delivery service is robust at this time.

Our drivers have been well briefed to observe social distancing and hand washing, they have also been issued gloves and hand sanitizer. It will also be necessary to discuss collection requirements ensuring minimal contact and as few collections as possible. We will therefore be asking our clients to work with us to ensure consolidation of resources to limit the impact on our and your staff.

We are advising all staff to read the attached guidelines and take the time to look at the NHS website

The Delivery Group is continuously reviewing its contingency plans and will react appropriately, along with our supply chain partners to any developing situation to maintain, where possible, service to our clients.

Keep up to date with the latest international delivery or domestic delivery disruptions related to the Coronavirus on our news pages.

Common questions:

Q1: What contingency plans does The Delivery Group have if they have to close a site?

In the event we need to close one of our service centres, this decision would be made in line with Public Health England guidance. The scale of our network means we are able to quickly deploy diversion plans, so we continue to provide customers with access to our services.

Q2: Will there be an impact to customers and their services in the event of site closures?

Utilising our robust contingency plans, we would ensure any disruption to services would be kept to a minimum. We have capacity to relocate services across our network quickly. We have access to a wide range of delivery partner networks and suppliers and can therefore work with customers to provide alternative solutions where appropriate.

Q3: Are The Delivery Group taking appropriate actions to ensure staff members visiting customer locations are following the advice of Public Health England (PHE)?

We take the health and safety of our people and our customers very seriously. We have provided guidance to our staff members to help prevent the spread of any infection. We are doing so in line with guidance issued from Public Health England. This includes hygiene precautions, travel advice and self-isolation guidance. In line with other UK companies, we continue to monitor the situation very carefully.

Q4: How will you keep customers informed of any impact to services caused by Coronavirus?

• For our latest updates, customers can visit International Delivery Update for Coronavirus or our Domestic Delivery Update